Box Elder County Fair Book Cover Contest

2024 Fair Book Cover Contest
Open to All Box Elder County Students - Grades 8-12
Along with your artwork, ONLY the following details and
dates MUST be included somewhere in your book cover design:
Box Elder County Fair and Golden Spike Rodeo
August 19-24, 2024
1. Finished work may be done in marker, paint, pastel, pen, pencil,
or dark-colored pencils.
2. If using color, any combination is allowed.
3. Use paper, sized 8½” X 11”
4. Vertical (portrait) format required (yes) (no)
5. No typesetting, stenciling, copying, or tracing allowed.
ALL lettering and graphics must be done by hand.
ALL drawings and artwork must be done entirely by the artist.
6. Please write your name, age, school, and phone number
(in pencil) on the back of your work.
7. Turn in finished work to any art teacher by the due date.
*Note - If all requirements are not met, your entry WILL be disqualified
DUE DATE – Friday, May 10th
● The winning design will be used as the 2024 Box Elder County Fair Book cover
● Winner receives $20 and a free Family Rodeo pass
For questions, or if you would like your work returned, please contact Merlene Ewell at (435)230-5189 (text)
Please view previous winning fair book covers at