Draft Horse Show

2024 Draft Horse Show
Date: Tuesday, August 20th, 2024
Location: Box Elder County Fairgrounds, Tremonton, Utah
Draft Horse Show Schedule:
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Arrival, Registration, and Breakfast for Draft Horse Show Participants
10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
“Fun in the Morning” Show
- Classes 1-5 for Drafts, Open and Youth Carts & Teams
- Team Driving Course
- Cultivating Course
- Canadian Maze Course
- Obstacle Course
- Log Skid
Break for Dinner for Participants
5:00 p.m.
Evening Show
Opening: Prayer, National Anthem, and Flag Presentation
- 4-Abreast (1 Open Class)
- Youth Generational Event (Youth Driver up to 15 years old with a parent/grandparent)
- Classic Cart (1 Open Class for Women and Men)
- Youth Cart (2 Divisions: up to 14 years old and 15-18 years old)
- 6-up on the Rail (Draft and Open)
- Pleasure Drive–Team (1 Open Class)
- Pole Bending
- Big Hitch Exhibition
- Farm Teams on the Rail (With Antique & Unique)
- Cart Barrel Race (Limit Once per Team of Horses)
- Feed Team Races
The Box Elder County Fair Draft Horse Show promises a day filled with excitement and competition starting at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 20th, at the Outdoor Rodeo Arena in the Box Elder County Fairgrounds. Admission is free and fun for the whole family.
All competitors and teams, including those from other counties and states, are welcome to participate. Draft horses, mules, and light horse teams are eligible for a variety of events, including hitch teams and farm teams.
Entries will be accepted up to and including the day of the event.
For more information, contact Nikki Wise or a member of the Draft Horse Committee.
First 100 horses will be guaranteed a $50 fuel reimbursement ($50/per horse).
Stall rental is free for one night.
Draft Horse Rules and Regulations
All Entries, Exhibitors, and participants are Subject to these Rules and Regulations.
This is a Draft or Heavy Horse event with Hitch Classes, Teamster events, and Open Classes. The Hitch Classes are open to draft horse breeds including Belgians, Clydesdales, Percherons, Shires, Suffolks, Hafflingers, Mules, Light horses, Ponies, and grade horses of these breeds. Donkeys, Mules, and light breeds of driving horses will be allowed to enter.
All Classes including junior driving classes will allow an adult to ride with a junior driver for safety.
1. Any person violating these rules and regulations can be disqualified. The Show Committee will settle all discrepancies.
2. All Entries, Exhibitors, Crew, and Participants liable to occasional accidents, injury, or damage to persons coming into contact therewith, shall guard their equines and equipment in such a way as to protect other attendees including the public. Any horses(s) Ponie(s) Donkey(s) or Mules(s) out of control or seemingly dangerous, may be asked to leave the arena or the grounds. Any equines involved in an accident at previous shows here or otherwise and deemed unsafe by the committee may be asked to leave and shall do so when asked. Owners of unsafe animals identified by the committee will be subject to paying for damages caused by the accident and all related legal fees.
3. All Entries, Exhibitors, Crew, and Participants do so at their own risk and release the Box Elder County Fair, the Box Elder County Fair Draft Horse Show Committee and Volunteers, Box Elder County, and its employees from all liability of any kind; or loss of property, life, demands, costs, charges and expenses that may be incurred by reason of any accidents, omissions, conducts or fault of any kind. Participants should have their own insurance to cover any loss as stated above, as a result of any accident, illness, or injury and insurance to cover injury caused by you, your animals, crew, or equipment.
4. The Fair Board President of the Box Elder County Fair shall have general supervision of the grounds, the entire exhibition as well as control of the show rules and regulations with support of the Show Committee. Should there be any dispute or misunderstanding which none of the Rules and Regulations govern, the Show Committee, shall have the final and absolute right to alter, interpret, apply, or change these rules and regulations as may become necessary.
5. Any disputes with Participants, Officials, or any other individuals will be handled by the Show Committee, without public display. Anyone creating an unfavorable scene may be asked to leave the fairgrounds. Any exhibitor who may desire to enter a protest must enter such protest in writing prior to the close of the show.
6. Exhibitors may keep their animals in the stalls provided at the Fairgrounds. Bedding will be
provided. Make arrangements with the Show Committee in advance if you would like to purchase hay. You may wish to bring your own partitions.
7. Entries are accepted on a first come first serve basis until filled.
8. Each entry must wear the correct number in an easily visible place while participating.
Numbers may be attached to a person, cart, or wagon.
9. Dogs shall be kept on leashes at all times while on the fairgrounds. No dogs are allowed
in the arena, grandstand, or equine loading and unloading areas unless approved by the Box Elder Draft Show Committee.
10. No horse, pony, donkey, or mule is to be shown if it has been given any forbidden substance defined as any controlled substance scheduled by the DEA. This includes stimulants, depressants, and all anabolic steroids. The respective committee reserves the right to test any horse or mule for the presence of forbidden substances.
For more information, contact Randy Grover 435 881 4767 or other Draft Horse Show Committee Members listed in the Fairbook.