Small Animals Exhibits

Small Animals
Department 002
Clint Oyler Director
Jeremy Pebley 4-H Poultry
Linda Earl Open Rabbits
Kristy Noyes 4-H Rabbits
Small Animal Schedule
Tuesday, Aug. 20
Enter exhibits ..................................1-8 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 21
4-H Rabbit Show............................ 8:30 a.m.
Judge rabbits, chickens & pigeons ......9 a.m.
4-H Rabbit Showmanship .........after judging
4-H Chicken Showmanship .......after judging
Friday, Aug. 23
Dress Up for rabbits ............................1 p.m.
Dress Up for chickens following rabbits
Saturday, Aug. 24
Exhibits released ................. 9:30-10:30 p.m.
General Information
Pre-registration for chickens, pigeons and rabbits will be required to ensure that your exhibit has a pen and also to help group breeds together. Pre-register online at, no later than 10:59 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 18. You do not need to bring paperwork with your exhibit. Your exhibit tags will be ready for you to pick up on entry day. Online entry is required.
There will be no waterfowl or turkeys in 2024.
1. All poultry, pigeons and rabbits must meet standard health requirements as determined by the supervisor. Any sick animal will not be displayed and must be removed from the show immediately.
2. See Fairbook for Premiums
3. Exhibits must be delivered to registrars Tuesday, Aug. 20 between 1 and 8 p.m. for all exhibits. If the entry cannot be left for exhibit until 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 24, please do not enter.
4. Exhibits are entered at owner’s risk, but everything will be done to assure the safety of the exhibit.
5. Feed will be furnished. Entries will be fed and watered by the staff.
6. Youth not registered as a 4-H member will be participating in Open Class.
7. “For sale” signs cannot be put on pens until Thursday of fair week. Earlier signage will be removed
Lot 1- Poultry
1. Pre-registration for chickens and pigeons will be required to ensure your exhibit has a pen and also to help group breeds together.
2. The poultry judging will take place in the barn on Wednesday.
3. Showmanship for 4-H poultry will be on Wednesday after judging is completed. Showmanship exhibitors should dress in 4-H attire.
4. The poultry dress-up contest will be on Friday after the rabbit dress-up contest which begins at 1 p.m.
5. 4-H chickens must be owned by the exhibitor by June 1, of the current show year.
4-H TROPHIES: Grand Champion Best of Show, Reserve Champion Best of Show, Champion Bantam, Reserve Champion Bantam, Champion Large Fowl, Reserve Champion Large Fowl, Grand Champion Pair, Reserve Champion Pair.
4-H MEDALS: Showmanship 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th places in both the Cloverbud division and the 3rd grade and older division
OPEN TROPHIES: Champion Large Fowl, Champion Bantam, Champion Bird of Show, Reserve Champion Large Fowl, Reserve Champion Bantam, Reserve Champion Large Trio, Reserve Champion, Bantam Trio, Reserve Champion Bird of Show
Lot 2 - Pigeons
Class A: Open Class B: 4-H
All pigeons should have bands on the legs.
4-H TROPHIES: Champion Bird of Show, Reserve Champion Bird of Show, Champion Fancy, Reserve Champion Fancy, Champion Performer, Reserve Champion Performer
OPEN TROPHIES: Champion Bird of Show, Champion Fancy, Reserve Champion Fancy, Champion Performer, Reserve Champion Performer, lst Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up, 3rd Runner-up
Lot 8 - Rabbits
Class A: Open Class B: 4-H
1. Pre-registration for rabbits will be required to ensure your exhibit has a pen and also to help group breeds together. Rabbits must stay until the end of the fair. NO EXCEPTIONS. Check-out time will be 9:30 p.m. on Saturday night or Sunday morning from 8 - 9 a.m. If you can’t
leave the entry until then, please don’t enter them.
2. The 4-H rabbit show will be on Wednesday, Aug. 21, at the bandstand beginning at 8:30 a.m. The open rabbit show on Wednesday will be in the rabbit building as in the past, and the building will be closed to the general public until the judging is finished. Upon completion of
judging, the judge will be available to answer questions.
3. Showmanship for the 4-H rabbits will be on Wednesday after the judging is completed. Showmanship exhibitors should dress in 4-H attire.
4. The rabbit dress-up contest will be on Friday, Aug. 23, beginning at 1 p.m. There will be two classes: (1) exhibitors who have not attended Kindergarten as of Jan. 1, 2023, and (2) exhibitors who have attended Kindergarten - 2nd grade as of Jan. 1, 2023. There will be prizes
5. If a rabbit is entered as 4-H, the exhibitor must be available on Wednesday morning to show their exhibit. Otherwise, the rabbit should be entered in the Open class.
Doe and Litter Class: Young rabbits must be at least four weeks of age and not more than six weeks. Doe should have four to six babies with her.
Open Rabbit Show
Awards: Best-in-Show, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up, Doe and Litter, Best-of-Breed.
Rosettes: Best opposite sex
4-H/FFA Rabbit Show (Must be entered in 4-H)
Awards: Showmanship (Cloverbud, Junior, Intermediate, Senior),
Best-in-Show, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up, Doe and Litter, Best-of Breed.
Rosettes: Best opposite sex.