State Noxious Weed Act

The Utah Noxious Weed Act outlines laws and codes pertaining to noxious weeds. The State has outlined 54 weeds to be defined as "noxious", and has prioritized them into 5 different classes: 1A EDRR, 1B EDRR, Class 2 Control, Class 3 Containment, and Class 4 Prohibited. By law, "it is the duty of every property owner to control and prevent the spread of noxious weeds on any land in his possession, or under his control, and shall serve as a warning that if he fails to comply with this notice, enforced weed control measures may be imposed at the direction of the county weed board ". The Authority to impose this law is from the Utah administrative code which is the body of all effective administrative rules as compiled and organized by the division of administrative rules (subsection 63G-3-102(5); See also sections 63G-3-701 and 702). Rule R68-9 is the Utah Noxious Weed Act as in effect on March 1, 2013.
For more information on the Utah Noxious Weed Act, go to
It is also against State law to transport noxious weeds seeds for any purpose. This includes in seed, livestock feed, soil, on machinery, ect.
The Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1975 also prohibits the movement of federal noxious weed seeds. Three of our state noxious weeds, Common Crupina, Goatsrue, and Cogangrass are on the Federal Noxious Weed List ( See in the documents below for a complete copy of the Federal regulations concerning noxious weeds.