Springtime Run-Off Update for April 6, 2023

Spring Run-Off Update for Thursday, April 5, 2023
Our most recent storms brought several inches of snow to both valley floors and higher elevations. Warmer temperatures are forecasted over the next few days.
We anticipate that valley floor snow will melt this weekend. Creeks, streams, and rivers will continue to run higher and swifter than normal. Box Elder County cares about your safety. Please keep children and animals away from bodies of water, especially creeks, streams, and rivers.
Do not attempt to walk or drive in flooded waters. Turn around, don't drown.
As the snow melts, it is highly recommended that farmers and ranchers move their animals and farming equipment from the Bear River Bottoms.
Personal Preparedness begins within our homes. If you anticipate flooding, visit your local hardware store to stock up on sandbags. Clear basements and floors of sentimental items. Keep your 72-hour kits stocked and ready. It is best to test sump pumps now, rather than when you need them. Clear snow and ice away from window wells and house foundations. Clean out gutters, downspouts, and curbs of debris and snow.
If you experience emergent flooding, please contact your city for assistance. For those who live in unincorporated Box Elder County, call Dispatch at 435-734-3800.
We encourage all Box Elder County residents to sign up for CodeRED, our emergency notification system. Signing up is quick, easy, and free. Download the CodeRed app from Google Playstore or Apple Appstore. If you need assistance, send us a private message, and we'll gladly help.