Box Elder County Truth in Taxation Hearing

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 6:00pm

Image contains information regarding Box Elder County Truth in Taxation Hearing on November 13, 2024

Box Elder County Truth in Taxation Hearing

Date: November 13, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Box Elder County Courthouse, Commission Chambers, 01 South Main, Brigham City

Box Elder County General Fund Tax Increase

Why is this needed?
To ensure the Box Elder County has enough funds to handle emergencies and cover rising costs due to inflation and employee salary adjustments. The General Fund balance has been steadily decreasing, and the county needs to maintain a healthier reserve as allowed by Utah state law.

How much is the increase?

Percentage increase:

Box Elder County Library Tax Increase

Why is this needed?
To fund important capital projects like replacing bookmobiles. The current budget is just enough to cover regular operations, but not to maintain or upgrade equipment and buildings.

How much is the increase?

Percentage increase: