
The detective division investigates major crimes committed in the county. There are four detectives, one of whom is assigned full time to the multi-jurisdictional narcotic task force.   The other three detectives specialize in property crimes, sex crimes, fraud, death investigation, internal investigations, crime scenes and livestock theft. They also manage the evidence room.


Safety Tips

Here are some tips to protect you against three of the most common criminal cases the Sheriff’s Office investigates.  There are many different classifications of thefts and burglaries but the main difference between theft and burglary is if the criminal entered a building, dwelling or vehicle, to steal an item, it is a burglary.  If the item is taken without an illegal entry, it’s a theft. 


Theft is usually a crime of opportunity.  Some of the most common items taken are generators, tools and bicycles.  These items are almost always left outside or in unlocked/open garages when stolen.   Lock up these items when not in use.

Report all thefts.  Many people don’t call us because the dollar loss is minor or they think nothing can be done.  It is true that most of the time, the property is not recovered.  However, we recover a significant amount of property during the year that we suspect is stolen but have no way of finding an owner.  Also, reporting the incident helps us map crime trends and adjust patrol shifts.

Auto theft -  99 out of 100 times a car is stolen in this county, the car is unlocked and the keys are inside.  It is almost unheard of to have an auto theft where the criminal breaks into the car and “hot-wires” it.  Always lock your car and keep the keys with you.  Don’t leave valuables, purse, money, day-planner, etc. in your vehicle.



It is very rare to have a forced entry into a residence.   Locking your house when you leave will stop most burglaries.  

Most burglaries occur during the day while residents are at work or school.  

You know what does and doesn’t belong at your neighbors.  Call us if something suspicious is going on.

Keep a list of the make, model and serial numbers of items.  Stolen items can only be entered on the nationwide stolen property database (NCIC) with a serial number.   Keep a copy at home and another in a safe place.  


Again, it is rare to have a criminal force entry into a vehicle.  Locking your car will prevent most auto burglaries.  Unlike residential burglaries, most auto burglaries occur during the night.  Criminals usually go through an area stealing from only the unlocked cars.  Don’t leave CDs, tools, or other valuables in your vehicle, locked or not.

Domestic Violence

Do you know that anywhere between a third and a half of the murders in Utah, in any given year, are domestic related?   Domestic violence crimes are aggressively investigated and prosecuted.  Changes to state code were passed to ensure violators are arrested. 

If you are in a violent relationship, please call the YCU at 1-877-723-5600.   They provide crisis assistance, safe housing, legal assistance and other resources.

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